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Maps and Geospatial data: Making maps and GIS

Use this guide to find maps, geospatial data, and information on GIS. Click on the tabs below to learn more.

GIS at the University of Auckland

GIS are used widely across the University of Auckland, notably within the Schools and Departments of Environment, Architecture and Planning, Anthropology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Property, Population Health and Biological Sciences and by individuals in further areas.

GIS and GIScience, the study of GIS, is taught in the School of Environment.


ArcGIS for staff and students

ArcGIS for desktop help

ArcGIS Desktop is a foundational piece for GIS professionals to create, analyze, manage, and share geographic information so decision-makers can make intelligent, informed decisions. It allows you to create maps, perform spatial analysis, and manage data. Learn ArcGIS with resources from:

ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online is a more user-friendly GIS than ArcGIS for desktop and enables map creation, some analysis, sharing and access to data and resources. It supports a number of file types, primarily Shapefiles or .shp files.

Google Earth

GIS on the web

In addition to Google Earth and ArcGIS Online several open source and/or free GIS software options are available, including those more suitable for inexperienced GIS users. Online GIS have increasing amounts of data, e.g. base maps and GIS layers, available for use within the application.

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