Indexes critical materials on all modern languages and literature, linguistics, folklore and dramatic arts.
Core scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and basic sciences.
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
Documents and printed publications from 1492-1969 relating to Africa, the Americas, Australasia, Oceania, and South Asia.
Books and articles on cultures from all regions of the world.
Scholarly translations and annotated editions of medieval source documents from the 7th to 16th century.
Primary sources on British, European and Asian migration in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Primary sources on popular culture, student protest, and civil rights in Britain and North America from 1950-1975.
Index of articles in academic and popular film journals.
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Up-to-date, peer-reviewed articles and references to academic works.
OUP books and journals from Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO), Oxford Handbooks and Oxford Partner Presses, including University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO).
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