Background data on New Zealand Stock Exchange listed and delisted companies, major shareholders, company and financial histories, share prices, and company annual reports from 1980s onwards.
New Zealand time series data from Stats NZ.
Global financial database that provides detailed information on listed and major unlisted/delisted companies worldwide. Includes current and historical financial data, ratios, ownership, annual reports.
Comparative data for US and international listed companies including annual reports, financials, news.
Credit risk and macro intelligence platform from Fitch Solutions providing credit research, credit ratings, macroeconomic and financial fundamental data, country risk research and indices, company news and analysis on emerging and key global markets.
Financial data such as equities, equity indices, bonds, bond indices, futures, warrants, options, and fundamental company accounts data.
Includes Datastream data on equities, company financials, stock market indices, trusts, warrants, bonds, interest rates, exchange rates, commodities, and macroeconomic data.
Detailed data on mergers and acquisitions, including target and acquirors, nations, SIC, deal types and descriptions, and share price effects.
Wharton Research Data Services has financial, accounting, and economic data.
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